Every year in January, like many people, I feel renewed by the possibility of a fresh year. The clarity of my self-reflection this time of year is unblemished by the emotions that slowly cling to the events of any given year. The dissatisfaction of March, cruelty of April, joy in July, October elation, and self-doubt of November are all wiped clean. Unburdened by the unfolding of the year I can ask myself questions about what matters most without any attachment. It’s sort of like being at the very top of the drop of a roller coaster. You can see the whole park for what it is and haven’t really “started the ride” yet.
Of course this is somewhat arbitrary. Why wait until January to do this?
Can this same reset we associate with the new year be cultivated every quarter of the year? Can I reorient myself in such a way that allows me to access this higher level view of my goals and the reality of my actions every few months? And what would doing so do, for me? What are the characteristics or routines of the new year that allow for this clarity of mind? Perhaps I can recreate those same conditions more frequently.
The coffee is almost ready and I’ve got a year to get to… so I will wrap up this working note quickly.
Here are a few questions I am thinking about this January in this brief window of renewal that might be interesting for you to think about to:
What do I wish I’d done last year?
In December of 2025, what will I wish I had done with my year? If I could write my 2025 summary, pretending the year was over, what would I like to include?
Five years ago what was I after? How has this changed or been accomplished? How do the next five years fit into what I’ve been doing, or wanted to do, since 2020?
If I could only do one thing really well this year, what would it be?
What’s one thing I’ve always said I wanted to achieve but haven’t started (or finished) yet? Hat tip to inkko on this one.
Which unfinished projects deserve a conclusion and which can I safely let rest?
If I had to oversimplify my plan for getting what I want this year, what would it look like?
Has anyone with less motivation, skill, resources, or information done what I am looking to do? The answer is surely yes. What does that do to the excuses I might present myself with?
Which projects and people really inspired me last year? What was it about them? What reflections of my own ambitions or taste did they provide? How can I help the same people or projects or similar people or projects this year?
What do I want to keep doing exactly as I did in 2024? These are things to cherish and continue to water without taking for granted.
What existing levers have I discovered or built that I can utilize this year?
I will leave you with the vibe I am cultivating for 2025. Wishing you a good one!